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Home » 5 books in Italian for foreign students: improve your Italian with easy and engaging reads

5 books in Italian for foreign students: improve your Italian with easy and engaging reads

5 libri facili in italiano per studenti stranieri

Reading to learn Italian

Are you a foreign student who wants to learn Italian in an effective and fun way? In addition to attending a Italian course for foreigners in Rome, such as the one offered by the Centro Linguistico Italiano Dante Alighieri, reading is a great way to improve your language skills. In this article, we present 5 books in Italian for beginners, perfect for those who want to approach the Italian language in a gradual and challenging way.

“Italian with comics”: un approccio divertente all’apprendimento dell’italiano
Comics are a great tool for learning Italian in an enjoyable way. “L’italiano con i fumetti” is a series of 5 books, each presenting an engaging story accompanied by exercises and activities to consolidate learning. With explanatory illustrations, even beginners can easily follow the plot and assimilate new words and expressions.

The works of Gianni Rodari: a plunge into fantasy and the Italian language
Gianni Rodari is an author loved by children and adults alike, and his works are perfect for those who want to learn Italian in an easy and fun way. His books, characterized by a grammatically impeccable style and immediate content, help foreign students expand their vocabulary and familiarize themselves with the structures of the Italian language.

reading to learn Italian with the Works of Gianni Rodari

“Se una notte d’inverno un viaggiatore”” di Italo Calvino: un capolavoro della letteratura italiana
For those who have already mastered the basics of Italian, Italo Calvino’s “Se una notte d’inverno un viaggiatore”” is a must-read. This book, featuring a grammatically perfect style and a compelling plot, will enable students to deepen their knowledge of the Italian language and appreciate one of the greatest Italian authors of the 20th century.

reading books in Italian for foreign students

“Divina Avventura”: un’introduzione accessibile alla Divina Commedia
Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy is a masterpiece of world literature, but it can be complex for those who are still learning Italian. “Divina Avventura” by Francesca Gambino and Enrico Cerni is a book that presents the characters and fantastic places of Dante’s work in a simple and engaging way, offering beginners a first approach to this classic of Italian literature.

The Divina Avventura Italian book for foreigners

“Tre Cavalli” di Erri De Luca: un romanzo contemporaneo per riflettere sulla condizione umana
Finally, Erri De Luca’s “TTre Cavalli” is a contemporary novel that deals with universal themes such as willpower, loneliness and immigration. With a clear grammatical style and an engaging plot, this book is perfect for foreign students who want to improve their Italian while reflecting on current and profound issues.


These 5 books in Italian for beginners are just a few examples of the many texts you can read to improve your language skills. Remember that in addition to reading, attending a course in Italian for foreigners in Italy, such as the one offered by the Dante Alighieri Italian Language Center, will help you make rapid progress in learning Italian. Happy reading and good study!
